Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love munching on small snacks just before starting my workout. I know it's bad but it's a good energy (and mood) booster after a long day at work. I don't believe in totally banishing junk food from my diet because the more you resist, the worse your craving gets. Just remember moderation is key.

Since I ate all the Horlicks Spring Roll crisps that my mum made (I shall make that one day and post the recipe here), I decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies to munch on.

This chocolate chip cookies recipe, also known as Toll House Cookies, is a recipe which my mum learnt from a baking class by Chef Goh. I'm not too sure whether this Chef Goh is the famous Alex Goh, but I get the feeling that he's the person.

In case you're wondering why is it called Toll House cookies, the recipe was named after Toll House Inn in Massachusetts after the owner of the inn came up with the chocolate chip cookie recipe in 1936. Thanks Wikipedia!

This chocolate chip cookie recipe is downright delicious and my four year old nephew who's a big fan of chocolate chip cookies practically ate the whole bottle of cookies himself in three days. At least, I did have some over the three days and I happily took this as a compliment.

Read on for the recipe!

50g sugar
100g brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
60g butter
60g shortening

1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

140g AP flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
20g cornflakes, grounded
20g ground hazelnuts

60g chopped nuts 
100g chocolate chips

In a mixing bowl, cream A until light then add in B and cream until smooth.

Sift C and add in to the mixing bowl.

Lastly, add in D and combine well. Allow dough to rest in fridge for 2 hours.

Spoon a small rounds of dough, the size of 20 sen coin on a baking sheet.

Bake in pre-heated oven at 170C for 20 minutes.


Don't you just love it that recipes by Asian chefs are less wordy than their western counterparts. Direct and easy to understand. I like that very much. 

On a totally unrelated note, I'm suffering from an earworm and it's One of These Nights by Eagles. I swear I was born in the wrong era. It's sad that artist nowadays don't make good music anymore. It's all about sexualizing everything now. See Mylie Cyrus, true example of the downfall of western civilization. 

First batch of cookies.

Go on have a closer look.

I couldn't help myself so I took a bite. It was superb! Crunchy on the outside and filled with melted chocolate chips on the inside.

Try it out! Happy baking! xx

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